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Project and Seminar Report

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Topic and List of All Project and Seminar Report Below

Hardware Implementation and PCB Connection wireless data transfer pic18f4620 and mrf24j40ma zigbee
READY TO USE(IEEE Format) This Project is for ELECTRICAL(EEE)  & ELECTRONIC(ECE) ENGINEERING student. We are going to make WIRELESS DATA TRANSFER USING PIC(Peripheral Interface Controller) Microcontroller.The PIC18F4620 (Microchip Technology Inc)is a product of microchip. It is 8-bit controller and specially designed for ultra-low-power applications. A flexible clocking system multiple operating modes and Brown-Out Reset (BOR) are implemented to reduce power consumption and dramatically extend battery life. The data will be transmitted and received by using ZigBee transceiver module (MRF24J40MA) (Microchip Technology Inc).It is 2.4 GHz IEEE Std. 802.15.4™RF Transceiver Module . The input will be given from transmitter side by Three sets of switches and each set contains three push button switches , the received data is given to master PIC by serial communication, And the output(Graph) at the receiver side will be displayed on…..READ FULL POST and DOWNLOAD....


Digital Cash Engineering Project Report beprojectidea.blogspot.comREADY TO USE(IEEE Format) This Free Seminar Report and PPT is mostly useful for searcher of electrical or electronic seminar topics with full report.or e-commerce and management people .This is report is based on E-currency, virtual cash,virtual money like bit coin,lite coin etc. famous in few years on internet or online mobile world. This report is about digital cash, a way to implement  electronic payments in an environment of mutual trust between the bank and the system users. An anonymous token-based electronic payment system is referred to as digital cash (also known as electronic cash, e-cash, D-cash). Digital cash offers a solution to the problems of paper cash and today’s credit cards; it is secure and protects people’s privacy .Bitcoin,Litecoin, Visa, Mondex, Octopus, Java….READ FULL POST and DOWNLOAD....


Electrical power Transmission of bulk

READY TO USE(IEEE Format) Electrical Power Transmission of Bulk Power is a Seminar Report and PPT on electrical power transmission means high voltage power transmission using DC(Direct current) technique over AC(Alternating Current) Transmission. i.e. HVDC Transmission of bulk power.Most reference materials are used from IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) magazine of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) website.Also we try to maintain Report format of documentation is suggested by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)format. The transmission of bulk power through HVDC is growing. Expansion of the HVDC network over large distances across the developing countries poses new challenges. The classic HVDC remains a cost effective alternative for such cases. The recent progress in power electronics heralded a new era for the HVDC technology. The VSC HVDC is believed to be a strong contender for the flexible transmission system and certainly has a promising future in the ever increasing number … READ FULL POST and DOWNLOAD....


Digital DC Voltmeter Using Microcontroller 8051(Atmel 89x52)

READY TO USE Digital DC voltmeter using Microcontroller or microprocessor is a project in which basically voltage of the system or circuit is measure and 7-segment or display on 16x2 Alpha numeric LCD(Liquid crystal display) This project is best suited for learning of voltage measurement and microcontroller or microprocessor based system from electronics or electrical field person or engineering or diploma student. In this project we are using digital measurement method in which we are uses ADC (Analog to digital convertor) to measure digital form of voltage and then processes this digital value using microprocessor or microcontroller 8051 from Atmel(89s52) then display this digital value on 7-segment or 16x2 Alpha numeric LCD. we can also use other microcontroller or microprocessor manufactures by NXP ARM, Microchip’s  PIC18f,PIC12F,PIC16F series…etc., STM series from STMicrotronics , freescale ,AVR etc. instated of Atmel 8051.Some of Microcontroller have inbuilt ..… READ FULLPOST and DOWNLOAD....


Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Butterworth HighPass Filter Using MATLAB

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Butterworth HighPass Filter Using MATLAB Butterworth_High_Pass_Filter_DSP_MATLAB
READY TO USE_This mini project introduces a new class of IIR digital filters.That unifies the classical digital Butterworth High Pass filter. New closed form expressions are provided, and a straight forward design technique is described. The new IIR digital filters have non linear phase & more zeros than poles (away from the origin) and their (monotonic) square magnitude frequency responses are maximally flat  w= 0 and at    w =pi. This technique also permits continuous variation of the cut-off frequency. The Butterworth High Pass Filter attenuates all frequencies below cut-off frequency and passes all freque..… READ FULLPOST and DOWNLOAD....




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  3. Very Helpful blog for Electrical and Electronics Engineers. You can explore good stuff of Electronics & Electrical Engineering on Engineers Garage . It is very fruitful for Engineering Students doing final year projects on Electrical Circuits and Electronics.
